
Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波

   Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese intellectual, writer, and human rights activist and a political prisoner in China. He againstsThe Chinese Government and Human Rights in China! That was ridiculous!!! He is Chinese so he needs to support and repect his mother country. He should be proud of himself bc he is Chinese. If he wants to say anything bad about his native country, he needs to go away from China! Otherwise, he should stay in prison. He should be thankful for everything that the Chinese government has done for him through his life!
   Personally, It is ridiculous that he won the NOBEL PEACE PRICE!!!!! He did not do anything peaceful!!! He destoryed the relationship between China and Norway and made China really embarressed! To put Liu Xiaobo in the prison the decision of Chinese Government. I think it is not other country's bussiness!
   In my opinion... Nobel PEACE Price is for the people who really make peace in the world and do good things for their own country!

4 条评论:

  1. i enjoyed hearing this perspective from someone who is close to china. i really repect, and agree, with the fact that you believe one should stand side by side to their country.

  2. I totally agree what you said about Liu Xiaobo, he should support and repect china, Nobel Peace is only for the people who have effort on the country!!

  3. I respect your opinion on the matter and understand that you hold that view because of where you are from. However I disagree with the intentions behind the Nobel Peace Prize. Is the prize for those who benefit their own country or the world as a whole? I don't know enough about Liu Xiaobo in order to really have an opinion on him, but there must be some reason he was awarded the prize.

  4. i agree with deirde in the fact that i respect your opinion because you come from china, and i would feel the same probably if that person was from America. But,i think he was awarded the noble peace prize for the benefit of the whole world. and even if this person was from America, i would still honor the fact that he did what was right in a time of wrong.
